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DoD Topics Are Out!

NEW SBIR/STTR funding topics from the Department of Defense are dropping today and we've got spots open for dynamic researchers, early-stage founders or startups to join our 8-week DoD Lab.

What happens next:

Read through the list of topics (Open 09/20/2023 & Close 10/18/2023) and make sure to check back for topics that will likely be added throughout the day. If you do not find a fitting topic, AFWERX may be a great alternative. Read through the list of Focus Areas AFWERX is looking to fund to help you identify a defense need.

*AFWERX applicants must demonstrate an understanding of the potential fit between their solution and the Department of the Air Force (DAF) stakeholder.

What we need from you:

If you find a match, apply for the Lab and email us to let us know the Topic Number & Title you want to pursue or (for AFWERX only) describe a clear defense need and a specific DAF stakeholder. If you have not participated in any of our programs before, you must include an Executive Summary as part of your application.

The deadline to apply is Friday, Aug 25 by close of business!

What happens if selected:

If selected to participate in the DoD Lab, you will be invited to a Topics or an AFWERX kickoff meeting scheduled for the morning of Wednesday, Aug 30.

Please email if you have any questions.

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